Signs Your Cv Not Strong Enough To Attract Opportunities

Cracking the interview is not child’s play for applicants nowadays. Similarly, in order to reach that stage, they got to have an attractive and professional CV. Hence, due to the major competition and trend of strong job application resume, many go for online assistance of CV writing services in Dubai, the UK, Chicago, and Toronto. However, for the urgency and quick application for job invitations, applicants should know how to avoid those mistakes that limit their CVs.

Nowadays, recruiters can also be influenced by the attractive writing and presenting style of curtain resumes. It means you never know when the call of opportunity will arrive. But the confirmation of that call must be in your hand. That's why it becomes vital to learn about those signs that make a CV weak and less attractive at the same time. Have a look at those mistakes that many appliers make in their resumes that you should avoid in your CV.

     1.Inappropriate template 

A real professional knows how to contract their resume for the intended job. Sometimes it is the game of most attractive and eye-grabbing CV templates that steal the whole show. But job hunters must not look super cool in front of the professional opportunity. That’s why your CV template should not be an old-age filled-out page and a colorful over designed document. 

     2. Addition of unneeded information

Job hunters get excited sometimes and end up adding unneeded information that should not be included in a professional CV. For instance, too much personal data, interest, and other informal participation. In simple understanding, the applicants should be specific while sharing their personal data in their CVs. Yes! You have to present yourself; there are specific rules for all presentations. 

     3.Multi-Paged CV

A one-page CV is enough and the most followed style of professional, as it makes an easy read for recruiters to learn about the applicant in just a few minutes. There was a time when appliers used to send multi-paged and detailed resumes in order to fill out the respected positions. But in today’s time, the focus is on the current offering skills and last education qualification. 

     4.Mediocre picture image 

Job applicants are the representatives of their skills, personalities, and educational background. Moreover, you have to showcase your resume with positive elements. Just like the profile image of the CV that usually comes at the top right side. In most cases, applicants use old and blue images to save time or unprofessional and regular pictures. But the employer also notices their things and selects those applicants that have balanced and suitable profile images. 

     5. Extra Sections

It has become a regular thing for job hunters to build their CVs through online free resume websites or android resume-making apps. During the editing process, applicants come across with unneeded sections of hobbies, favourite places, and travelling history. As a result, those unnecessary fills out take the places of other important additions and make their resume look odd. That’s why say no to irrelevant sections. 

     6. CV without a cover letter 

Here comes one of the important parts of any CV. Due to the consumption of time, applicants skip writing a cover letter related to applying for a job. But we should not forget it is a game of opportunity that should not be missed. Plus, an open cover letter offers a chance to share your interests and desire to join the intended company or profession. Therefore, in order to show a resemblance to the job application, a cover letter is essential.

     7. Absence of relevance to the applying Job 

During the time of multiple applications on job hunting platforms such as LinkedIn and Indeed, the applicants usually forget to contact their CVs according to the needed skills and responsibilities of the job. Simply put, every recruiter intends for those professionals that have knowledge, skills, and experience about the job position. Due to that reason, individuals have to update their resumes according to the vacant position.

     8. Absence of responsibilities 

The addition of previous job experience is a plus point, and search engines are filled with those hiring companies that aim for individuals with relevant experience. Although job searchers often make mistakes by not adding the role and responsibilities they had during their previous jobs. Hence, it is important to share all major points of the previous job openly to get new and best employment. So, as a note, always mention at least three key responsibilities in the experience section. 

     9.Formal written summary 

It is understandable that being formal is great during the hiring process. But we should employ an easy and readable approach while writing a short resume summary or career objective. Being too formal in your CV can create confusion in the selection process, and you will miss the great chance to highlight yourself with unique words. Therefore, use open-hand or free-style writing while adding a short summary or career objective.

     10. Special requests & references 

This practice is becoming common in individuals, even though it is prohibited and considered unethical in the hiring process. Any kind of special suggestion or humble request present in the CV can cost the career of your life because a system of job employment doesn't work with favouritism. On that account, never add references and requests of employment from a third-party person or company. Thus, stamps of approval or awards of appreciation are acceptable in resumes. 


After finding things that you should not follow while building your CV, never forget to keep trying and constructing a resume with pure professionalism. There can be numerous suggestions available on search about what you should add in resume. But you should also have the knowledge and proper understanding of the practices that you should not follow. So, skip these all odd practices and make your CV with the eye of a hiring employer.