How To Make Your Resume Impressive To Your Employer

When an employer picks your resume he knows nothing about you. Your CV is the introduction and the paper which connects you with your employer. It should be clear, driven to the recruiter’s requirement, and should let him decide whether you’re the best fit without taking too much time. With the advancement in the job market and technology, the majority of the companies use electronic scanning systems to filter out the right resume out of hundred.  So, it’s important that you create an updated, professional resume that will do the job on your behalf.

There’s only one goal to achieve from your resume and that’s to get you shortlisted among the many candidates. For this purpose, your CV should be unique, free from glitches, to-the-point, and impressive. But sometimes instead of having a lot of achievements under our umbrella, we lack the expertise to portray it. 

Here’s how you can make your resume appealing to your employer.

You might be surprised to read the heading but it’s true. The objective on the top of your CV is an outdated concept which doesn’t convince the employers anymore. It’s because the objective statement shows what you expect from the company which shouldn’t be this way. Instead of the objective, you should write a summary that defines your job experience, designation, and major achievements of your career.

The summary should be clear and concise. In case, if you’re keen on writing an objective statement, do it with clarification so the recruiter can understand the vision you have for your career.

An obvious mistake we make in our resume is that we mention everything of the past starting from your high school to the latest job you belong to. An employer is less concerned about your history and more about the relevant skills needed to score the job. Instead of living in the past, make it to the future and show the professionals how you can put your skills to your job to make it successful. The key point is to tailor your CV to the job requirements.

If your resume has an old and irrelevant history, there are high possibilities of elimination at the first stage. So, you must understand the job description to make your CV relevant to the employer.

Including the keywords in your resume is one of the important secrets to win the job. Keywords attract employers and increase your chances to get hired over other candidates. In addition, if the employer uses electronic applicant tracking systems, your CV can be overlooked if it doesn’t have the potential keywords. If you don’t know how to place keywords in your resume, seek help from our perfect resume writing service or professionals who are willing to mentor you for your resume.

You should also exclude the old lingo from your CV such as ‘personnel,’ ‘looking for a job,’ copied objective statements, and more like these. Find out the current language and keywords of your profession and include them in your resume.

Achievements convince your employers more than your past records. It shows that you have been able to prove yourself better in multiple scenarios. So, if in your previous job, you have been given a promotion based on your performance, highlight it in your CV to increase your hiring chances.

Create a separate section of your achievements and list your ‘honors’ and ‘rewards’ underneath. This section will be a convincing point for your employer. Use numbers to quantify your achievements.

If the employers are impressed by your resume, they will seek your contact information to reach you. In that case, the information shouldn’t be hidden from your resume. Always keep your contact information on top which should include your contact number, email address, your LinkedIn profile, or relevant social accounts.

Note that your LinkedIn profile should be updated so the recruiters get what they have been searching for you. Having testimonials on your LinkedIn resume also increases your hiring possibilities.

If you follow these five golden tips to make your resume impressive, we are sure you’ll be able to win your dream job. We would also recommend seeking professional help when you are applying for your dream job because you will never get the second chance to make the first impression.