Dubai Cv Format

Dubai CV Format

It is easy to indicate that writing your own resume doesn’t take too much time. As with the advantages of the internet and free online template websites, everyone can build their own CV. Similarly, there are various tutorials at hand on how to write a CV in minutes for freshies. However, according to the employment reports, the selection of the candidate for the job position is decided on some different bases. Likewise, a professional resume highlights your skills and earning experience. In the same way, you should design your CVs with attractive additions. Just like other corporate hiring firms, UAE’s Unicom and Mainland organizations also select their candidates with the influence of a compelling resume. For instance, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai CV format styles must include catchy implementations. Scroll down and learn more about the UAE resume writing format. 

How Dubai CV Format is Different From Others

In reality, Dubai, Sharjah, and all the Emirates of UAE follow similar CV formatting styles. However, all these Emirates like to learn more about the applicants' skills. It directly connects to the point that job searchers have to showcase their skills with the help of creative writing in their Dubai CV format. 

Furthermore, job hunters who aren’t from the lands of the Arabs have to show relevant work experience. Simply put, foreigners who want to have a good life in paradise on earth have to attach their professional experience of more than two to three years. This means that the addition of experience is essential in the UAE CV format style

On the other hand, Dubai-based recruiters also require the authentic info of the applying individuals, and they need the proper contact list to get to the applicant. So, making a note of these shared points, follow the professional Dubai resume formatting style shared below: 

Steps of a Professional Job CV Writing Format in Dubai.

After some search on the internet, you will have a real idea about the formatting style of Dubai resume writing. In the same way, if you hire CV writing services from professional experts, then the result of their work will also be the same. Although Dubai, Abu Dhabi, or other Emirate template does have a slightly different formation that includes:

You can include the career objectives section in between the other sections, as the online custom editing template will assist you. Hence, always try to include only needed information and do not reveal too much personal data. For instance, full address, multiple contact numbers and links of social media accounts. 

Four Types of CV Formatting in UAE

CV Format does also have several types, as some websites have their own given names on the templates. There are plenty of websites available online, but few of them address the real names of the formatting styles along with descriptions. But in this descriptive blog about Dubai CV format guides, we will inform you about the most used resume formatting in UAE. As four demanding alternatives are shared below 

Chronological CV

This formatting style is the simplest and most used by graduates and job hunters. Applicants just have to put the information in a chronological way, starting with names and destinations. Secondly, after the addition of work history or professional experiences, the list of skills is included. In addition, in the section on experience, someplace is lifted out for performing duties at the previous or current organization along with the joining date. 

Functional CV

A functional resume is mostly workable for those who want to switch careers. For instance, individuals who are not satisfied with their current employment and want to pursue a different career than the implementation of a functional resume will be applied to the template. Secondly, college graduates who are new in their professional journey can also apply this formatting writing style, as the perfect highlight of the acquired skills is required. 

A career switch resume or functional CV needs the attachment of the extra earned skills that are going to match the description of vacant job positions. In the same way, all the interests and career objectives shared in the resume will show a resemblance to the job description. 

Combination CV

A chronological resume uplifts the enhanced experience of the candidates. On the other hand, a functional CV only gives the perfect highlight to the mastered skills. But a communication CV is a mix of both necessary elements for employment. It means applicants can openly mention their skills and previous work experience in a short summary and career objectives. Moreover, both sections of professional work experience and skills will be designed above all sections on the CV template. 

Targeted CV

In today’s time, acquiring your dream job has become way more challenging than in the past. Due to the tough competition among skillful individuals, candidates have to format their resumes in Targeting styles. We can put targeted style in this way; you can use all previously mentioned types (chronological, functional, and combination) in the targeted resume. Hence, all the shared information in the resume template should be related to the job description and vision of the applying company. It directly points out that applicants have to design their CVs according to the needs of the job position, and this style is called a Targeted resume format. 


We all can have several indications about resume templates and writing format styles. Similarly, there are many templates available on free and premium websites that have their own way of formatting styles. However, it doesn’t matter how your resume template is, as it is only about getting an instant interview call. So, this was the needed information about the most used CV format in Dubai and other Emirates, along with professional formatting styles. Thus, if you are struggling with your own resume writing, then don’t waste your time and visit our official website and get rapid assistance with perfect CV writing. 


Is writing your own CV easy?

For easy CV writing, search for free CV templates on the internet and start filling up the sections mentioned in your intended template. 

How to write a non-experienced resume?

Design the section on skills just after the short summary sections. Plus, share your volunteering work along with your internship experience.  

Why is my resume not attractive?

There can be many reasons for the rejection of your resume. As your resume should be one-paged, concise, and free from slang and grammatical errors.